13th June 2021
Please see items needed for Honour Pilot Day
General - For all classes please walk with:
- Attire – Please ensure that you attend the session in your field uniform is with scarf
- Bible
- Pens/pencils etc
- Additional paper or notebook
- Worksheets
- Ruler
- Erasers
- Specific requirements needed for practical elements
- Your cameras MUST be on at all times during the lesson – NO EXCEPTIONS
- Please join on time.
Additional subject specific resources:
Afro Hair-care Honour
- String
- wool
- Braids for practicing plaits and twists.
Oxygen & Breathing
- 2-liter empty plastic bottle with cap
- 2 plastic drinking straws - available inexpensively at restaurant supply stores or donated by fast-food chains; do not use the flexible drinking straws
- 2 9-inch balloons 1 larger balloon; for example, for a punch ball
- 2 rubber bands
Skin Care Honour
choose one of the following and bring your ingredients for practical excercise
- Dry Skin
- 2 tbsp honey
- ¼ Avocado
- 2 tbsp almonds (finely ground)
- Oily Skin
- 1 tsp honey
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
- Acne prone skin
- 1tsp lemon
- 1tbsp honey
- 1tsp baking soda
- Discoloured skin
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp honey
- 1 tbsp yogurt
- ¼ tsp turmeri