The following is a list of things/people needed to facilitate an online assessment:
- Parent/Guardian present to assist (optional)
- Computer/Tablet/Mobile with camera and zoom software (main device)
- Mobile device with rear camera and zoom software (secondary device)
- Well lit room
- Class Folder
- Full Dress Uniform
- Rope (where applicable)
Here is how an online assessment can be done:
- The pathfinder/adventurer should be in full dress uniform
- They should be comfortably seated infront of the MAIN device, positioned so their eye movements are clearly visible to the assessor.
- The pathfinder/adventurer should join zoom on the MAIN device with audio and video enabled.
- The pathfinder/adventurer should join zoom on the SECONDARY device with video only. Audio should NOT be added to the SECONDARY device when joining zoom.
- The room being used should be well lit - this to ensure the pathfinder/adventurer is very visible.
- The pathfinder/adventurer should have their folder opened in front of them as they may need to refer to it during the assessment.
- When the Assessor asks to see a page on the folder, the parent/guardian (or pathfinder) must hold the SECONDARY device over the folder in a way that they can see the content of the folder on the screen of the device. Movement of the device must as any movement will blur the image being transmitted over zoom.
- When tying knots or doing anything which requires a lot of movement, the pathfinder should face the camera on the SECONDARY device. The parent must ensure that they are capturing everything the pathfinder does by verifying they can always see the pathfinder fully on the screen of the device.
- The class counsellor (or someone nominated by the club) should be present on zoom to take notes .
The following is a sample video of an online assessment - It is probably best to view in fullscreen mode: